
Showing posts from April, 2021

Of regionalism and multilateralism: Responses to Saint Vincent and the Grenadines' volcanic eruption - by Shineco Sutherland

So...some time has passed since I last visited this Blog😅. Well, here goes my attempt at reacquainting myself with writing.  If one were to do a search on Saint Vincent and the Grenadines (SVG) at the moment, the results are more than likely to surround the ongoing eruption of its volcano, the La Soufriere. The volcano erupted explosively on the 9th of April, 2021 some 42 years after its last eruption in 1979. As someone currently living through the eruption, I can identify many different angles from which one can analyse its impacts and implications. Such angles can include food security; the psychological impacts on families and communities; the  multiplication of economic costs previously highlighted by other market shocks, including the Covid-19 pandemic. However, in the spirit of this blog, I settled on discussing the regionalism and multilateralism that are visible in the disaster response. In this context, regionalism refers to the relationships between countries in a ...